Every decision you made, you have to pay the price.
SGEduLab, one of my crazy idea I thought of one day while surfing the internet, and thinking of someone who had changed my life from a person who is not so confident it his life to a person who much confident in his life. Time flies, things happen just like a blink of eyes, everything seem to be so dramatic to me.
I am a person who thinks he is a hero to send letters and complain about the school 2 years ago. The school found out not too long after that, I got into trouble because of it. From that day onwards, I told myself, not to be too close to anybody, not to be noisy in anything, not to be helping anyone out, just isolate myself. I became a person with no confident in his life, not sure where he is going, not sure what my goal in my life. That might be the price I paid of the decision of sending that letter.
Someone had changed my life, Miss JC, who had helped me along not just in English alone. She is the one who make me know where I am going, what is my goal in my life, and also, got back my confident. I now might still be a person who not talk a lo, but some how, I started to learn how to express myself; just like a new born baby now learning how to walk.
If someone asked me, what is my greatest achievement in my life? I might reply “My greatest achievement perhaps is the change in my life from a person who lack with confident to a person with much confident.” SGEduLab is not my greatest achievement, I must say. But I think that my greatest achievement is the change in me.
SGEduLab have a dramatic change since its opening. From it got tomorrow-ed to The Strait Times Interview, to it published and the site got over 1,000 memberships. I sometimes wonder did I make the right decision from the being. Sometimes I wonder can I continue to handle the website, or should I ask some people to help me along. How can I make all notes available before people needs it, how long will it last? Maybe it is the price I pay for the decision I made. I did not regret on the decision I made, I am happy with it.
Why? Because, I am helping the others in the same community and I believe in my decision.
Everybody is talking about elections! And we are not allowed to do blogging and Podcast during election. Let’s break the laws, I should show you something:
People who eligible don’t want to vote, but people who cannot vote…dieing to vote.
Side track: I heard some information that my school will be one of the polling stations, I can’t wait to have extra holiday. Information might be rumors but hope it is true.
Sometimes when you got so many things to do, you can eventually forget to sleep. Yea, right, 4am now…how to sleep?!?!
SGEduLab Withdraw Symptoms
SGEduLab is Down =(
The Straits Times: Published
As some of you already know that the interview got published on Tuesday, under The Straits Time, Home Section, page H7. Everything is quite big actually, got a big shock when I saw the interview.
Everything was so sudden! Miss Chew came to me and said “The article publish today, under home.” And I got one big reaction: “Really?!?! I haven’t brought today newspaper yet!” Anyway, I got to know that the reporter did email me, but to my G-mail which I don’t check it much as I do for hotmail.
Now, membership of the website had hit 1,000! Believe it or not, I only expected only 100 user sign up only. We also got sponsored by OpenCube to host or website for MUCH CHEAPER PRICE and more sponsors coming soon I guess. I received quite a number of E-Mail, which I don’t really have time to reply them. If you are one of them, wait for my reply, okay?
Everything seems to be so sudden, so surprise.
From now on, email me at yongkian@gmail.com, I will read email from there everyday also from now on.
P.S: Click here to take a look at scanned article by Brennan.
The Straits Times: Interview
We go there and got interview by one of The Straits Times journalist and went there for photoshoot because of SGEduLab.
The process is quite fun, anyway, ones in a lifetime. I mean where got so easily people contact you and said want to interview you and your friends? It is fun as we got to see how their office looks like, totally different from my imagination I used to have. We can’t take any photo of the office because of security reasons and we can’t get the photoshoot and post them here because of copyright.
Not many people knew that I and GeckoZ went for the interview even my parents! In class only 3 people know about this, online about 5, plus 2 teachers know about this. I don’t want the whole know, it will be very scary one. You see, I only told some of the people and some can ask the same question again and again: “How was it har? Fun or not har? What they ask har? When publish har? Etc, etc…” I myself didn’t even ask this good question “When will it be published?” but I guess it will take some time because of this and that. The lesser I know, the better it is. I don’t think I even dare to look at newspaper on that day. Eh…not really that bad, just feel weird if I see what I said before appear in the newspaper.
Okay, when it got publish we tell your okay? Also hor, if you are a teacher, student or ex-
Prime Minister Tony Blair and MSN Messenger teamed up to take Prime Minister’s Question Time online in a unique competition that gave five members of the public the chance to put questions live to the Prime Minister through MSN Messenger!
Power right? Fierce right? Can zhng or not?!?!
Just image if Singaporean chat with our Prime Minister online, what will happen? (I just can’t image that…)Anyway, will it happen at the first place? We can’t even pod casting about our election, and maybe, when someone brought this idea of chatting with PM Lee, the government say “Singaporeans is still not an open society to do this. We will have a lot of negative impact… blah blah blah”
Anyway, just to share with your, click here to watch the video of chatting with PM Tony Blair and their citizen.
Recently, I and GeckoZ have been busy with setting up website, that’s why we can’t post blog post as much as in the past. And we named it SGEduLab.
Image this: Tomorrow you will going to have a test and you don’t have any studies notes with you for revision. What to do next? Hack care and just went to sleep or try to get notes from someone, or maybe, read the whole textbook for your test (that would be crazy!)
SGEduLab, still in development stage, provides online studies notes for Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘N’ and ‘O’ Level examination students. We also encourage people to edit our notes and send back to us so that our notes will be better, with much more useful information inside. We also have forum that students can post their problems with studies, rambling of their schools works, and talk everything under the sun!
Our Mission is to gives tips and hints who wishes to excel and to let students in Singapore not only excel in studies, but to have a chance to show case their talent to the public through the internet and also allows students to give their own views on Singapore topics.
You need an account to access SGEduLab, which is 100% free. Everyone is welcome to have an account with us even if you are parent or teachers and not forgetting students! Please click here to sign up.
We hope SGEduLab will be success and we hope everyone can support us by using our website and forum!
SGEduLab Studies Notes Homepage
SGEduLab Forum
SGEduLab Team Blog